5 Top Tips for trying Forest Bathing Along the Yorkshire Coast

Have you ever considered how immersing yourself in nature could benefit your physical and mental health? The Japanese practice of forest bathing has taken off worldwide, but there's no better place to experience it than along the stunning Yorkshire coast. Here are five reasons you should take a walk on the wild side and try forest bathing yourself!

What is Forest Bathing & Benefits

Have you ever taken a stroll through the woods and felt your mood lighten? If so, you’ve experienced the benefits of forest Bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku. Forest bathing is a Japanese practice that means “taking in the forest atmosphere.”

Spending time in nature can have positive effects on your health, including reducing stress, improving moods, reduces blood pressure, improving heart health, and improving sleep quality. Forest bathing also strengthens your immune system by exposing you to phytoncides (airborne chemicals emitted by plants).

So add this to your itinerary for when you head to the Yorkshire Coast, but be warned, you might not want to leave!

1. How to Prepare for a Forest Bathing Session

If you're looking to try forest Bathing, or Shinrin-yoku, for the first time, there are a few things you can do to prepare. First, it's important to choose a location that feels safe and comfortable for you. Once you've found the perfect spot, make sure to wear appropriate clothing for the weather and terrain. It's also a good idea to bring along some water and snacks, as well as a map of the area if you're unfamiliar with it.

When you're ready to begin your session, spend a few minutes taking slow, deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. This is not a time for exercise - instead, focus on taking in your surroundings through all of your senses. Listen to the sounds of the birds and the wind rustling through the leaves. Smell the fragrance of the trees and flowers. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin or the coolness of the shade. And finally, take in the beauty of your surroundings - let yourself be awestruck by nature's majesty.

2. Activities You Can Do While Forest Bathing

1. Go for a walk: One of the best things you can do while forest bathing is to go for a walk. This will help you to get some exercise while also enjoying the scenery. There's a great 3-mile circular walk around Broxa which will take you into the heart of Langdale Forest.

2. Take some time to relax: This can be done by sitting or lying down in the grass and taking in the natural surroundings.

3. Have a picnic: If you are feeling hungry, why not have a picnic? This is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, and the food will taste even better when eaten in such a scenic location.

4. Go fishing: If you enjoy fishing, then there are plenty of lakes and streams located within the Yorkshire Coast that you can try your luck in.

5. Explore the area: Take some time to explore the area around you and see what 2. you can find. There are often many hidden gems to be discovered when venturing off the beaten path, and a brilliant place to stop for a bite to eat when indulging in nature is The Grainary, which has stunning countryside views!

  • English Breakfast
  • Desert
  • Rack of Lamb
  • Burger and Fries
  • Dusk views
  • placeholder image

3. Safety Tips When Doing it Alone

If you are going to try forest bathing on your own and in an unfamiliar place,3. it is important to take some safety precautions. First and foremost, let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return. This is especially important if you are going off the beaten path. Dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable shoes. Bring a map and compass or GPS, as well as plenty of water and snacks. And always be aware of your surroundings. If you see something or someone that makes you feel uneasy, leave the area immediately.

4. Caring For Nature: Things To Remember After the Trip

After a long day of hiking and exploring the natural world, it’s important to take a few minutes to clean up. Here are a few things to remember:

• Pack out all trash, including food scraps and toilet paper.

• Leave rocks, flowers, and other natural objects as you find them.

• Stick to established trails to protect fragile vegetation.

• Don’t build new campfires or dig trenches. Use existing fire rings instead.

• Be sure your campfire is completely out before you leave.

5. Best Time to Visit the Yorkshire Coast for Forest Bathing

There are many reasons to try forest Bathing along the Yorkshire Coastline, but one of the best is the timing. The Yorkshire Coast is home to a number of different species of forest Bat, and the best time to see them is during the summer months. This is when they are most active and when the weather is at its best. If you want to see these amazing creatures up close, then this is the time to visit.

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